::before ::after

… and Other Creatures Great and Small…

… it is not only the leopards which made the trip special. It is often the birds and smaller animals that can make a game drive special…

LionAffectionate teenagers...
Flap-necked chameleonSquare-lipped (White) Rhino
Blue WildebeestSunset
Lion an nightMale Waterbuck
Lilac Breasted RollerRed Billed Ox Pecker...
...cleans right inside the eye..Giraffe
HippoBush Buck
Thirsty Buffalo...... another thirsty Buffalo
Black-bellied Khoraancutest little ellie ever...see my little pink feet!
...and what is this long thing on my face that I can't control!Cheetah
classic Cheetah pose...European Bee Eater
KuduHannes ???
Side Striped JackalRhino
Exhausting being the King...Prtoecting the meal, even though her belly was fit to burst!
Burchell's CoucalSaddle Billed Stork
Magnificant mane..Young Waterbuck
African Fish EagleBryan and Margaret... thanks Hannes for the pic and the trip!