::before ::after

Visiting the nearly finished Jeremiah Créche

I was fortunate enough to go visit the building site today and was very suprised with the outcome.
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Lions feeding off a dead rhino

On a recent trip to Leopard Hills I saw this quite rare sight…
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Another Beautiful Day in Africa

I got to thinking the other evening while enjoying a “sundowner” on our veranda looking out into the bush……..what a privileged life we lead.
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4 African Wild Dogs this Morning

My guests and I had a fantastic sighting this morning of four wild dogs.
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Greetings from Florida – Richard and Katarina Rodman

We left the sanctity of Leopard Hills almost 3 weeks ago after having spent 5 glorious days with Marius, Abrahim and the entire staff at Leopard Hills.
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New Male Leopard

We were very fortunate to see a new male leopard on a evening game drive.

Click here for pictures
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Jeremiah Créche is taking shape.

Some more pictures of the building progress at the Jeremiah Créche, and a letter from Sandra.
Continue reading “Jeremiah Créche is taking shape.”

In Your Face

Had a stunning sighting of a female leopard and cub this morning for more than an hour.
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Congratulations Daniel & Vanessa

In true British style there were a few drops of rain to bless this special day.

Click the article to see the pictures.
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Close Encounters

Some of Closer Encounters that we had
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Makwela’s got new cubs……………

The day we all have been waiting for……………
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A brief visit to quench their thirst

As we enter the drier winter months, we are getting more and more visitors in and around the Lodge, especially Elephants who think the Private Plunge Pools at the Suites were built for their exclusive use, and hey, who are we to argue??
Continue reading “A brief visit to quench their thirst”