::before ::after

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Coetzee

Wedding bells rang out loud and clear through the Hills of the Natal Midland as Vanessa and Marius became man and wife.
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Just a few photos…

Here is a link to a few pics from yet another fantastic stay in the bush! After 11 days I had about 1000 photos, but I only posted about 500!



All Hail Leopard Hills

We were hit by the storm of all storms yesterday afternoon, unlike anything we have experienced before.
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Loving Leopards

Leopard Hills did it again yesterday morning when we came across the Tegwaan Male and the Shikave Female getting close and personal up at the Machimbiri River.
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Elephant Antics

The Heat of Summer brought about a spectacular sighting at Hlaba Nkunzi Dam.
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Picture from the last few days on safari

Just a few picture to show from the last few days of safari. Enjoy.

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Lions Killing a Buffalo in the Sand River

Yet again the the Western Sector proves why it is one of the best game viewing areas in Africa
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Painted Wolves

We continue to have the most unbelievable Wild Dog sightings out here in the West.
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Wild dogs

Wild dogs galore……

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