::before ::after

Leopard Hills is not just an amazing place; it is a way of life

My name is Daniel Vonk and I’m a student and I have an interest in being a Game Reserve Guide. I spent a brilliant month at Leopard Hills learning about lodge operations and wild life. It was an amazing experience, ranging from five star hospitality to incredible wild life.
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Rangers Report January 2011

It has been a very wet but productive month…….
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Staff roar off on bumble…

Every now and then the lodge staff snap up a chance to escape in to the bush.
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The end of a life before it really even started

Waking this morning to ominous black clouds and heavy rain, little did we know this was not as dark as it was going to get as the day progressed.
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The heavens open!

We have well and truly splashed ourselves into 2011, some disorientated guests have arrived thinking they had taken the wrong flight and ended up in the Amazon rain forest…anyone want to see a Jaguar?
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