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Othawa’s kill a kudu

It is not over until it is over. This could not be more true as we recently had a great surprise while we were finishing an evening game drive.

There was a comotion close to the lodge when another ranger called us into a sighting. It is not easy to catch the action as it happens. This time around we just missed the action by a few minutes. The evenings are getting cool now and as we manouvered the land rovers through the bush we could see steam rising out from a lifeless carcass.

In the grass lay two adult female lions from the Othawa pride. They managed to catch and kill a kudu a few hundred meters away from the lodge. They wasted no time tucking into the fresh meat. We could hear the contact calls of the two subadult lions who had trailed behind. The two adults did not heed their call. They continued to feast selfishly as if it was their last meal.

Othawas on a kill 1Othawas on a kill 2Othawas on a kill 3

Together with our guests, the rangers sat in silence just observing and taking in the sounds around them. What seemed to fascinate our guests the most was the sound of crunching bones a few meters from them.

Written by: Cal Butler

Mondzo’s Season

Mondzo Male Leopard has been away from his mother Xikavi for some time now and has been looking after himself extemely well. He is often found in the presence of either Khokovela or Basile female Leopards and at times even shares a meal with Dayone.

He was seen not too far from a kill that was hoisted into a tree with a hyena lurking nearby. Basile also joined him in the area – so he is still very comfortable in the area his mother raised him.

Approaching 3years now, it will be interesting to see where he moves to as the pressure is being increased by Ravenscourt, who is now venturing further into Dayone’s territory – which up until now has been the home of the young Mondzo male.

The season has started changing, with the bush still lush green after the rains, there is a wonderful chill in the air and the return of golden winter light. So to it will be an interesting season for Mondzo as he starts gaining more experience as an adult leopard.


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