::before ::after

The Winds of Change

We bid farewell to Sally who is off to explore new adventures, and we say congratulations to Heinrich on a well deserved promotion.
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Rangers Report May 2012

Dramatic leopard interplay has dominated proceedings this month following the recent sensational lion dynamics. Grasses are beginning to recede and winter is settling in as the sunsets are becoming more and more intense and dramatic!
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Sunrise with the Selati boys!

Leopard Hills lodge just has something unique and special that so often entices the big cats here for their finest performances!

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Selati and Otthawa mating

Selati Male Mating with two Otthawa Females – with his fellow Coalition Members feeling a bit left out
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Big Male Cats

Selati Male chasing Vultures

DayOne Male Leopard vocalising
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Leopards Mating: Kashane and Hlaba Nkunzi

Great display of Leopard Mating behaviour!
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Rangers Report April 2012

Dropping temperatures have warranted the dusting off of winter jackets and triggered the much anticipated and theatrical impala rutting season! The bellowing of outspoken impala rams echoes around the hills as they herd their females! Let’s not forget the less conspicuous and less numerous wildebeest and warthog males who also have the same objective in mind!
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Selati Male Roaring

Looking for his three brothers
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Tlangisa and Dayone visited by a passing Hyena

Great interaction between Leopard and Hyena
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Rangers Report March 2012

The winds of change are fanning us towards winter as we celebrate our action packed 14th birthday month with some scintillating sightings.
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Ximhungwe pride stand together

The 4 Selati males have been on the scent of the Ximhungwe pride for over a week! What they didn’t bargain on was the maternal instinct and teamwork of 4 united lionesses that are prepared to put it all on the line to protect their cubs.
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Dramatic demise of the Mapogo Coalition

The defining moment had to come, speculation as to how and when has dominated conversation around dinner tables and campfires in recent weeks.
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