Where have the years gone since we stood on a rocky outcrop looking out over the bush and the Leopard Hills dream began?
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Author: LH Focus Online
Rangers Report February 2012
Superlative summer weather and cloudless starry nights have illuminated February after a waterlogged start to 2012. The sweltering sun has radiated down and dried up much of the transformed landscape, game viewing has been sensational as animal activity has peaked during the fine weather and plentiful supply of food.
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A Bush Wedding to Remember
Under a hot African sky, Christian and Ingrid tied the knot in a Riverbed under a magnificent Jackalberry Tree.
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Scouting for scorpions
Leopard Hills’ rangers and trackers have always shown a keen interest in these often overlooked and misunderstood critters! The guiding team were joined by some other extremely enthusiastic staff and we hosted well known scorpion expert Jonathan Leeming from Scorpion Adventures for some training this month.
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Rangers Report January 2012
The wettest month for at least 12 years has not dampened the wildlife dynamics in the slightest! Mother Nature has her unique way of cleaning things up and the waters have no doubt washed away all the stagnant material bringing new life and growth! Many previously inaccessible areas will now be opened up once the waters fully subside, especially along the river!
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Dangerous Dando!
Perched high atop our solid hill during the torrential cloudburst caused by Cyclone Dando, we were constantly alert and aware of the danger yet felt totally safe and secure as some lodges around us were evacuated, especially those on the sand river.
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Sleepless Nights
The War Rages on and it is spiralling out of control.
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Hlaba Nkunzi You Beauty!!
As we suspected, she has given birth and yesterday afternoon as the Game Drives left the Lodge, she was located carrying a cub out of the Lodge heading north.
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Rangers Report December 2011
The height of summer is upon us and scorching hot sunny days often lead to spectacular evening thunderstorms. It is the time to celebrate life and family as the year draws to a close and how fitting it is that Hlaba Nkunzi has returned home and given birth to her cubs…
Christmas Cubs
We have a strong suspicion that the Hlaba Nkunzi Female Leopard has given birth.
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The year of the Painted Dogs
As the year draws to a close it is truly fitting that the Painted Pack who we have grown so attached to this past year have decided to spend over a week in our traversing area!
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Rangers Report November 2011
The month is “iMpala” in the traditional Shangaan calendar as scattered impala lambs lie hidden all over the dense undergrowth, their first few tense days spent motionless avoiding detection. This time of new life presents predators with ample easy prey…that is if they can find it. They need to alter hunting techniques and use their sense of smell to detect the hidden lambs.
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