::before ::after

Out of the Ashes dawns a New Era

It has been a few weeks now since we reported on the devastating fire that engulfed Suite 1 in the early hours of a cold May Morning.
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Curiosity of youth

Wonderful news is that all 8 pups are fit, healthy and growing unbelievably fast!
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Joining the social network

Daily updates, photos and footage from Leopard Hills
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Rangers Report May 2011

Crisp mornings and perpetual Amarula coffee stops have heralded the beginning of winter and glorious golden light…
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Hlaba Nkunzi and Xinzele checking in

These two regular visitors joined us again at Leopard Hills during the week
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Tragedy at Leopard Hills

In the early hours of Monday morning we were woken to the alarm call that Suite 1 was on fire.
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The “Hills are Alive” with the sounds of Lions Roaring

Heinrich has just returned from this mornings drive and captured this amazing video.
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April 2011 – Incredible Once Again

Again I have witnessed the wonders of Leopard Hills’ traversing area and beyond.

(Please bare with me, I cannot say enough about this special place)

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Congratulations Gary

We have just received news that Gary has won another photographic competition.
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They came out to Play

Gary has just returned from the morning Safari and what a Safari it was
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Happy Mothers Day!

Our last few engrossing days have been spent patiently waiting at the Alpha female’s den and we have been well and truly rewarded by hearing the pups down below on a few occasions.
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Rangers Report April 2011

As the weather starts cooling down the game viewing heats up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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