::before ::after

Rangers Report January 2011

It has been a very wet but productive month…….
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Staff roar off on bumble…

Every now and then the lodge staff snap up a chance to escape in to the bush.
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The end of a life before it really even started

Waking this morning to ominous black clouds and heavy rain, little did we know this was not as dark as it was going to get as the day progressed.
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The heavens open!

We have well and truly splashed ourselves into 2011, some disorientated guests have arrived thinking they had taken the wrong flight and ended up in the Amazon rain forest…anyone want to see a Jaguar?
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Xinzele Male Leopard In Leopard Hills

Followed him walking down the main road and then caught up with him in the lodge
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Rangers Report December 2010

This months report is going to be a cracker as usual…….
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Thanks to All and Merry Christmas

Greetings to all on “The Hill”
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Wild dogs 2010

We were privelaged to have to dogs back for a few days…..
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Prize giving and Game Show night

Time of the year for the girls to be rewarded for their hard work during the year
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Another Magnificent Wedding at the Hills

Congratulations to Andy Oates and Sarah Taylor who got married at Leopard Hills on the lower pool deck this afternoon.
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Rangers Report November 2010

The rains have well and truly arrived turning the bush into a rainbow of colours.
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Ottawa Lion Pride and the buffalo

The Ottawa pride are taking advantage of the big buffalo herds
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