::before ::after

3 Mapogos Kill a hippo

At Shigamba pan this morning, we came across something quite special
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Coming of Age!

Mambirri’s sub adult cub seems to be independant and out on her own and is confidently showing her seniors how it’s done!
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Memories of our first trip to Leopard Hills

With thanks to Gary for all his helpful photographic tips (though I still resorted to the magic green button for most of these).
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Mapogos near the lodge

Great way to start the afternoon drive
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Yes Raymond, it was an Ostrich

On November 1st on the afternoon drive, Raymond went in pursuit of an Ostrich. No one had seen one in decades.

Here it is. (albeit not the best photos)

Thanks to all for a wonderful experience.

George Pence

Three Leopards in the library… and what happened before!

What a way to end of the morning’s game drive…
Continue reading “Three Leopards in the library… and what happened before!”

Kids’ day out

The Children at Leopard Hills had some friends from Penryn come visit..
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Wild Dogs 1 Hyena’s 0

A Marauding Hyena bit off more than it could chew when it stole an Impala Kill from a Pack of Wild Dogs.
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Rangers Report October 2010

With the onset of what seems to be summer but no rain yet and one day of 48 degree heat the animal sighting have been phenomenal…..
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Lounging Lodge Leopards

They’re back!!
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The Ottowa pride feasts and cub feeds and feeds and feeds!

The Ottowa pride feasts while Mr. T watches …and waits.
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Elephant mudbath

Becoming part of the herd.
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