::before ::after

The Leopard Hills Boma gets a Face Lift

The Leopard Hills “All Girls Academy” tried out their Art talents in the Boma as a Friday School Art Project.
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My Trip Continued

I said I would write again, and with my trip being constantly in my thoughts, I found the time to do so.
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July 2010

The fun never stops at Leopard Hills even if it is getting cooler……..
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A Strange Sighting on the Afternoon Drive

As Gary left on the afternoon drive, a strange “apparition” appeared out of the bushes!!
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Leopard Hills – July 2010

“I can feel it. I am here”
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Saddle Billed Stork

I was really excited to see a Saddle Billed Stork at one of the pans close to Leopard Hills on drive yesterday morning.

Being a passionate birder this was my highlight so far at Leopard Hills, especially considering it is a young male. Males have dark eyes and yellow wattles under the bill (This male has very small yellow wattles and new plumage around the head). Females have yellow eyes and no wattles.

Maybe he is looking for a territory and a female, they are usually found in pairs along water courses or suitable pan systems.

There is only an estimated 100 individuals left in SA and EWT is currently running a competition trying to identify individuals and estimate an updated population figure. Each bird has a unique pattern where the black band meets the front of the red bill.

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Mapogo Welcome

Well I have been well and truly welcomed or should I say put in my place by the resident coalition of 5 Male Lions.

My second day out on drive and all 5 Mapogo’s were together again for the first time in a while. We arrived as the sun was going down and the older male decided to reinforce his seniority and began roaring toward our vehicle. Not to be out done the other four responded but were too lazy to get up and roared while still lying down.

Surround sound African, the most intense Lion audio I have heard that sent shivers through us all. Many Thanks to my guest Ellie for sharing his footage.

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Welcome to Dave…..

We have a new addition to our rangers team…..
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Rangers Report June 2010

It has been a month of great sightings again……….

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The Sands of Time

The changing sands of time, let’s not pass by another person who has made such a big impact on my life.

Vanessa this is for you.

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Mapogo fight update

I have got hold of video footage of the mapogo fight……..
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Tribute to the Sabi Sand Game Reserve

I was very fortunate to guide 6 and a half years at Leopard Hills in the legendary Sabi Sand Game Reserve this it, my tribute to the one of the greatest wildlife reserves on earth.
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