Wildlife Photography Tips

The summer rains have arrived and the Leopard are enjoying the cooler conditions.
Thlangisa and her cub were seen in a riverbed being very playful after a early morning thunderstorm.
Dayone Male Leopard resting on the top of a termite mound after some refreshing rain.
Ravenscourt Male Leopard on a territorial patrol on the edge of Dayone’s territory after a heavy thundershower.
Intense interaction between Ravenscourt Male & Boulders Female, it is always wonderful seeing these solitary cats together.
Boulders Female made a kill which she safely hoisted away from the lurking hyena below. Ravenscourt had other ideas and he claimed the hoisted meal as his own. While the hyena were guarding the tree, hoping for any scraps to fall from the hoisted kill, Ravenscourt made his way to a nearby waterhole for a drink.
As he approached the water, Boulders showed herself from some tall grass and made her presence known to him when he got close to her. Ravenscourt didn’t let her growling influence him too much and he lay down withing a few feet from her.
Having discovered one of Kiara Rodgers photographs on her Face book page Kiara Rodgers Photography, Simon Stevenson, an amazingly talented artist from the UK, asked Kiara if he could use one of her photos, to sketch. You can follow the “work in progress” on the following link: http://www.abrushwithafrica.com/Work%20in%20progress
You can also follow some of Simon’s other amazing creations on his Facebook Page (Wildlife Art) A Brush With Africa.
There is always a sense of huge privilege watching a Mother Leopard & her offspring interact, as she lets you witness those special moments.
Spending time with Xhikavi and her (now nearing adulthood) Male Cub, who has been named Mondzo ( Mondzo is the Shangaan name for a Leadwood Tree ), you realise the time is nearing for him to move away from his Mother and start fending for himself. The two Leopards are still spending time together and the meals that Xhikavi are providing her cub are now diminishing quickly, as he is becoming an adult leopard.
Thlangisa and her two remaining cubs are doing very well and she is certainly looking after them in every way, especially when it comes to meals. She had the remains of two kills in the same tree, as they spent a couple of days feeding on them. The Cubs were hidden close by as she was resting in a tree some distance from where her kills were left.
She hoisted the remains of a Kudu kill into another Marula tree and then went to collect the cubs, bringing them back to where she had the meal. The Cubs had a good look at the kill safely hoisted, but preferred the company of their Mother below.
At 11 weeks old, the Cubs are now growing quickly and doing what they do best, playing with each other and their Mother.
The previous two cubs which Thlangisa successfully raised to adulthood, named Basile & Khokhovela, are also doing very well and have occupied territories alongside their Mother’s territory.
They have been providing spectacular viewing and we will update you on Thlangisa and her two cubs as they continue on their path to adulthood.
John & Lesa Graybill recently stayed at Leopard Hills and managed to capture a some very special images which they shared with us and we’d love to share them with you.
If you have special Leopard Hills Images and memories, please post them on our Blog or Facebook Page.
Thank you for sharing your memories with us!
A bit of everything…
Continue reading “A bit of everything”
Leaving Leopard Hills at 09h30 yesterday morning we seen this beautiful leopard.
Continue reading “Leopard seen on our way home”