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Art in Nature

Recently I had a request for some of my images in black and white.
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“Super” Cub

The single female cub from the Ximungwe Pride of lions is now just over 3 months and stronger and healthier than ever.

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Leopard Hills Team even the score

In preparation of the World Cup Soccer hosted in South Africa in 2010, the rangers , chef and maintenance team held a soccer match against the Australian Safari Team.
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Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Schwenke

On a warm Summers day, Joachim and Christine were wed under the shade of the Jackalberry and Leadwood Trees on the bank of the Mabrak River.
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Bush Life at Leopard Hills, thirteen years of “Bliss”

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Megan-Amy Rodgers and I am Duncan and Louise Rodgers 13 year old daughter. I am often asked about growing up in the African bush so this is my story of my life at Leopard Hills Private Game Reserve.
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Game Driving with Gary

(This article was written by Louise and my 10 year old daughter while out on drve with Gary. It is wonderful to see the experience through her eyes. All the pictures in this article were also taken by her).

Duncan Rodgers
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The Circle of life is complete

The heavy rain has not only brought life to the vegetation, it has delivered un unexpected visitor home to introduce us to her next generation.
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Black Mamba Killing Scrub Hare

Yesterday afternoon my guests and I saw one of the most amazing sightings I have ever seen in 10 years of guiding.
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Rangers Report December 2009

Happy New Year to everyone, the month of December was as usual absolutely phenomenal for safari in Africa. Some great news is that both the Ottawa and Ximungwe Pride of lions have cubs.
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A new Addition to our Family

We would like to take the opportunity to welcome Gareth Carter to our Rangers Team.
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To my Leopard Hills family

Duncan, Louise and the rest of my Leopard Hills family,
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Great to be BACK

After Vanessa and my phenomenal honeymoon I have been treated with some awesome sightings.
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