::before ::after

Hyenas without their spots

Award Ceremony at the Dumphries Digital Learning Center

Hyenas emerge from their hole

Summer season has arrived

History of Leopard Hills

What to Pack on Safari

Boulders’ Cubs

Khokovela and Cub

Will the Styx stick around?

Herald Snake

With the rise in temperatures and the first set of rain, the Lowveld has transformed itself into a lush, green reserve.

Many small creatures have started becoming mobile again due to the summer weather. We recently found this little Herald or Red-lipped snake slithering around.

Herald - 3This was still a youngster reaching about 20cm in length. Their colours vary from greyish to olive/grey. The head is usually darker and white speckles may be seen along the body.

Herald - 1

The name Red-lipped snake comes from the obvious red/orange upper lip. The name Herald came about when the Herald newspaper in the Eastern Cape announced the discovery of the snake.

Herald - 2They are considered to be more nocturnal and are often found around water bodies, feeding on oversized toads.

Our presence did not seem to deter the snake. It remained rather relaxed and posed beautifully for some photos. They are considered mildly venomous, but pose no threat to humans.

Herald - 4

Mondzo’s Season

Mondzo Male Leopard has been away from his mother Xikavi for some time now and has been looking after himself extemely well. He is often found in the presence of either Khokovela or Basile female Leopards and at times even shares a meal with Dayone.

He was seen not too far from a kill that was hoisted into a tree with a hyena lurking nearby. Basile also joined him in the area – so he is still very comfortable in the area his mother raised him.

Approaching 3years now, it will be interesting to see where he moves to as the pressure is being increased by Ravenscourt, who is now venturing further into Dayone’s territory – which up until now has been the home of the young Mondzo male.

The season has started changing, with the bush still lush green after the rains, there is a wonderful chill in the air and the return of golden winter light. So to it will be an interesting season for Mondzo as he starts gaining more experience as an adult leopard.


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Best Wishes for 2018

Spending time with a travelling herd of Elephant to start the new year of 2018.

Best wishes to everyone for 2018 from the Leopard Hills Family 


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