Community Project set to go
Having concluded a meeting yesterday morning, we are all set to go.
For those of you who are regular readers of our monthly Rangers Reports will know, there have been some very frustrating delays on the proposed project to build the new Day Care Centre. There was never a time we thought about giving up, but there were times we thought this particular Project would not get off the ground due to outside interference from sources that in my opinion had no right being involved. However we have now been given the final seal of approval from the local Chief, and been told nothing must stand in our way in getting the Day Care Centre built.
The site we have chosen is perfect, with access to electricity and water, fundamental necessities for operating a Project like this. Due to the outstanding generosity of so many of you, we have been able to revise the plans and add substantially to the size of the Centre, with enough funds left over for school aid equipment to get the Day Care Centre operating as soon as the building project is over.
Any additional funding we receive in the mean time is being channelled into the purchase of further equipment for educational aids, additional desks/chairs etc. With winter approaching, we are also looking at funding for additional clothing for the children, and Leopard Hills will continue to supply all the food to the Day Care Centre in order to be able to facilitate hot meals for the children at the Centre.
We will keep you up-dated on the building process with regular pictures of the development, and as it draws to a conclusion, we will formulate plans for the formal opening as soon as we have a completion date, estimates at this stage are a couple of months from the date we commence.