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The Playful Ones

Winter is quickly approaching and the bush is swiftly showing signs of the changing season. Yet there is still a hive of activity on the reserve.

Thlangisa, a wonderfully relaxed female leopard, has provided us with a gift of cubs yet again.

Thlangisa and cubs - Johan de la Rey 1

The mother has found a secure den site and she has finally revealed these bundles of joy to us. She has 2 tiny cubs and they take after their mother. Thlangisa, “The Playful One”, has passed her nature onto her cubs as these two little fur-balls constantly chase each other around or hop all over mom when she is around.

Thlangisa and cubs - Johan de la Rey 2 Thlangisa and cubs - Johan de la Rey 3

Thlangisa and cubs - Johan de la Rey 4

This is not her first litter and most of her cubs have survived to adulthood. We look forward to see these cubs grow up into strong, independent leopards in years to come.

Written by: Cal Butler

Kelly Dam and her kill

Night time in the bush can be a daunting thing for some, but sometimes it yields wonderful surprises.

One of our rangers, Cal, headed down to the reserve’s airstrip to fetch some guests. As he passed through a wooded area something caught his eye. It was an impala in a tree, but no leopard in sight.

That evening after sunset, our game drive vehicles headed back to the area and guests were treated to a wonderful sighting as the leopard had returned to finish her kill.

Kelly Dam-1

As we arrived at the scene a female leopard called Kelly Dam sat casually in a tree feeding on her kill.

Kelly Dam - Cal Butler

Sitting in silence and surrounded by darkness we all just marveled at the sights and sounds of the feline tucking into her meal.

Kelly Dam - Cal Butler Kelly Dam - Cal Butler

There was some interesting interaction as 2 hyena came to visit hoping that Kelly Dam will drop her meal or at least parts thereof. She was not phased with their presence and just stared them down.

Kelly Dam - Cal Butler

After she had her fill she moved over to another branch and took a nap for the evening.

Kelly Dam - Cal Butler

Written by: Cal Butler

Mhangene’s saving grace

Life can be tough in the bush, even at the best of times.  For the subadult lions of the Mhangene pride life seems to be hanging by a thread.

The Mhangene pride was once a highly successful pride and their numbers stood strong at sixteen. The pride consisted of 4 adult females, 3 female cubs and 9 male cubs. The adult females were ferocious hunters and were highly skilled at taking down buffalo.

Image by - Johan de la Rey 01Image by - Johan de la Rey 02With a weekly supply of fresh buffalo, the young cubs always had round bellies and have since grown into sub-adult lions.

Image by - Johan de la Rey 03Image by - Johan de la Rey 04Image by - Johan de la Rey 05 Image by - Johan de la Rey 06Image by - Johan de la Rey 07 Image by - Johan de la Rey 08 Image by - Johan de la Rey 09

There was word of some large male lions making their way towards the western sector of the Sabi Sands. Soon afterwards the adult females made their way towards those males to mate with them and they simply haven’t returned since.

Image by - Johan de la Rey 10

The sub-adults were left to fend for themselves for the last 2 months. They were all inexperienced and had not been taught how to hunt correctly. This lead to their detriment. Two sub-adult females have since perished and the young males find themselves in a very vulnerable position. They had become extremely skinny and their lives are hanging on by a thread.

Image by - Johan de la Rey 11 Image by - Johan de la Rey 12

Last week something miraculous happened. The young males managed to find some energy and somehow killed a buffalo on their own. This event was with out a doubt their saving grace and has provided them with enough food to last a little longer.

Image by - Johan de la Rey 13 Image by - Nigel Ridge 18 Image by - Johan de la Rey 17 Image by - Johan de la Rey 16 Image by - Johan de la Rey 15 Image by - Johan de la Rey 14

Written by: Cal Butler

Thlangisa & her two cubs

Thlangisa and her two remaining cubs are doing very well and she is certainly looking after them in every way, especially when it comes to meals. She had the remains of two kills in the same tree, as they spent a couple of days feeding on them. The Cubs were hidden close by as she was resting in a tree some distance from where her kills were left.

She hoisted the remains of a Kudu kill into another Marula tree and then went to collect the cubs, bringing them back to where she had the meal. The Cubs had a good look at the kill safely hoisted, but preferred the company of their Mother below.

At 11 weeks old, the Cubs are now growing quickly and doing what they do best, playing with each other and their Mother.

The previous two cubs which Thlangisa successfully raised to adulthood, named Basile & Khokhovela, are also doing very well and have occupied territories alongside their Mother’s territory.

They have been providing spectacular viewing and we will update you on Thlangisa and her two cubs as they continue on their path to adulthood.


Thlangisa's Legs

Thlangisa Moving the Kill


Thlangisa Moving to Marula

Thlangisa Hoisting Kill

Thlangisa in Marula with Kill

Thlangisa & Cub

Thlangisa Cub

Thlangisa & 2 Cubs

Cub Looking at Kill in Tree

Cub Looking at Kill in Tree